En stråhatt for enhver anledning
Straw hats have been worn in Europe and Asia during the hot summer months since the Middle Ages. The design of the hats has evolved over time, but the principle is the same. They were worn by all classes in society, but mostly by men, although they are equally popular with both men and women nowadays.
Conical straw hats were often worn in Asia by monks or peasants who needed to protect themselves from sun and rain. The hats were worn by soldiers as the hats were highly practical. Straw hats were also worn by the noblemen who had straw hats crafted and decorated with jewels and other exclusive ornaments.
In Europe the straw hat was used by peasants already in the Middle Ages. In the 1700s, the hat was folded upward to create a three-cornered hat in straw. The Boater straw hat became popular in the early 1900s. In New York, it was not uncommon to see a sea of straw hats at Times Square during hot summer days. Straw hats in the shape of Fedora and Trilby hats were introduced during the 1960s, which is a popular fashion even today. There are several different models of straw hats but what they have in common is that they are made from some type of braided plant fibre. These hats are often shaped using similar techniques as for felt hats. They are softened by steam or hot water and then moulded using bare hands or by using hat blocks. Hatstore has Strawhats for both men and women. Straw hats are highly fashionable today and many wear them to reflect their relaxed lifestyle. Find yourself a straw hat here at Hatstore!